First Net Worth Posting Mid-October

Find the most recent net worth posting here.

My long-term goal is to be some what financially independent by the age of 43. This doesn’t mean we wont work it just means we can choose what we want to do for a living instead of letting our finances dictate our careers.I plan to do this by paying for our home in cash. My husbands current job causes us to move often so it doesn’t make sense for us to buy a home at this point in our lives. My short-term goal is to increase our net worth by at least 25k a year for the next three years.

We just recently moved so my budget isn’t exactly perfect yet but this is the breakdown of my current savings goals.

Husbands Roth $270 UPDATE** November increased to $300

My Roth IRA $100

House Fund $1,000

Stock market $100

Kids College $60 UPDATE** November increased to $30 for the 2 younger kids and $60 for the oldest

That will bring us to around $18000 of savings in 12 months and our goal is 25k so we may need to adjust and also hope the market does well. ***Bringing the savings to $19,200

Mid-October Net Worth

  • Assets 
    Checking  $1,543
    Emergency Fund  $14,807
    House Fund  $58,796
    College kid #1  $5,305
    College Kid #2  $5,740
    College Kid #3  $498
    CD’s  $6,194
    Stock’s  $10,362
    Roth IRA  $7,137
    Roth Spouses  $17,737.21
    Total  $128,119.21
  • Liabilities
    Credit Card -$1,378

Total Assets $126,741.21

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